Louis returned this morning bearing gifts - accumulated mail and packages from Queensland - not to mention 28kg of paperwork to start on Helen's last 2 years of tax!
Delightful arrivals included a beautiful gourd card from Helen P and a wonderful indigo and burnt orange wrap with hand dyed fabric embellished with pieces of kimono. Also cards from Barbara and Sally plus a Darwin arrival from Peter and Joyce.
Helen is in great form this morning - reading a book of short stories Doug provided while we al sit around her doing crosswords (Doug), computering (me), cheeping (the chicks), collapsing (Jed) and snacking (Louis). Last night Kaye came over and hung out with Helen while D and I went down to Mindil markets. It was Territory Day and the fireworks went on into the early morning so Kaye had to bring her dog Lily over to be looked after as well. Luckily Jed's not so sensitive to loud noises and he and Lily got on fine. From my point of view the charm of the sparkly lights was pretty quickly outweighed by the annoyingness of the banging and crackling and having to keep the house closed up - it was 30 degrees in Helen's bedroom at midnight! Still - a true NT cultural experience and the Dry Season breeze came in at a refreshing 25 degrees this morning and cooled everything down.
Tonight I fly down to Melbourne for a work thing and will be back on Sunday midday and Louis and Doug will hold the fort. As far as I know there are no plans to go out at this stage but if she stays as good as she is right now maybe that will be an option. Otherwise visitors are welcome as ever.