Songs are the order of the day!
Over the last week or two Helen has been becoming more and more musical. Rather than listening to talking books she prefers to sing to herself. Susan has been keeping a note of some she recognises which have been coming up regularly: Come All Ye Faithful, Gloria, Who would true valor see, Bingo was his name Oh, Doe a deer, Frere Jacques, Oh Tannenbaum, Bye Baby more...
I am finding it very sweet, although Helen herself often feels the need to apologise for her singing, it is remarkably tuneful and pleasant and I feel it adds to the house ambience. Susan is hoping Helen can move on from hymns which she (Susan) finds unfortunately catchy.
Events and visitors over the past few days include regular calls from Louis who is away in Europe, calls from Sally, Peter M, Dorothy, visits from Kaye and Shirley and Tiff's sister Philippa and the odd lovely card, letter and email.
We have had one outing to the Wharf but in general Helen has been turning down offers of activities by suggesting that she will stay home and mind the dogs for us!
She has also mused thoughtfully on several occasions "I don't think I'll get a dog" and on one memorable time when she was feeling anxious and lonely and then I arrived "I've never been so glad to see a dog" - accompanied as I often am by the pitter patter of many toenails and the occasional loud growl and scuffling noise.