Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fri 16th October

Second day of radiation over. No skin burning so far, feeling tired and weak as predicted. Both days has had awful chills and shivers an hour or so after the treatment and today also had retching (but no vomiting) - fortunately brief. Natasha and Helen had a lovely day together in between the treatment though. N had finally read "So Many Versions of a Life" and (much to Helen's surprise) thought it was wonderful. Hopefully we can work towards publishing and a book launch.

Lani (4) sent Helen a piture of Gerty Gumboots from Natimuk. As some of you may know Helen is very fond of goats. Gerty Gumboots is a baby goat who has recently come to live with Natasha's neighbours Jillian, Paul and Isabelle. Jillian and Isabelle have been sending Helen updates on Gerty's adventures in life which have been very entertaining to read.


  1. Hi Tash
    I hope the weekend had some good moments and the next session is not too hard.

    I love Gertie the goat. I would love a goat next door - so I could be friends with her and not have to chase her off my vegetables.


  2. My friend David B (you might remember from Brisbane?) lives in Darwin now and is an organic farmer - pawpaws and basil and 4 children amongst other things! He has a kid goat at present and my early fantasy when Mum got sick was - right I'll move to Darwin and we'll get chickens and a puppy and borrow the baby goat. Mum was right into it. When I said it might be destructive she suggested we could keep it inside. Louis and Doug are a little doubtful about that...
