Over the last few days poor Helen has been through the gamut - her sodium continued to fall to 121 - not a good number. She was starting to experience weakness and confusion and clouded thinking again. The medical team responded by decreasing her fluid intake to 500ml a day - not much! As her mental function improved it seemed her mental state declined and she was pretty negative and down again over the last few days. Nonetheless she was able to enjoy visits from me, Louis, Douglas and Peta B. They have moved her into Bed 889 where she has a "window seat" and more privacy as although it's a 2 bed room she's the only one there at present. This morning Louis and I had grand plans of being able to kidnap her up to Doug's parents' farm in Ravensbourne. It became apparent this was a rather ambitious plan so instead - we had a little food and ativan in hospital then packed ourselves into the car with Jed (my black staffy recently arrived from Natimuk). The 4 of us had a lovely stroll by the river in Orleigh Park, punctuated by Jed urinating on a nice old lady's chair (she was very understanding about it) and a delightful phone call from Margaret in Melbourne. After this we came back to DOrchester St and Louis cooked us a beautiful lunch as depicted above - buckwheat noodles, basil and soy, delicate omelette and steamed pumpkin and sweet potatoes. After lunch we decided to share a lie down on Helen's bed before returning to the hospital. They are both snoozing as I pen this update...
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