Well since I last posted many things have happened - good and bad. In the end Helen and I were both too wrung out at the end of our Friday outing to go out again so we didn't make it to the Frillies' fashion show afterall. I felt quite regretful about this as by all accounts it was a great occasion. Shirley visited the next day and described the models and the music. Several of Helen's fabulous hats from her Margaret Carstairs days of extravagance were donated and modeled most elegantly and found their way to their special sale rack. I think some have been re-homed already!
Saturday is gone into the past for me now - I can't quite remember what happened although I know I went to the Parap markets and someone apart from Shirley visited Helen. Each morning from Thursday onward Helen commented that "things seem very gloomy" and I was anxious about what was happening with her vision.
Sunday we were planning ahead to be able to enjoy going to Bilha's Cabaret performance - Tru Razzle and mindful of the energy collapse on Friday we spent a fair bit of Sunday resting and conserving our strength. All for a great result as Helen and I not only managed to get to the 2 hour show but enjoyed it thoroughly! The performers gave us a medley of Cabaret and Show tunes including some Rocky Horror and a great Kath and Kim-esque homage to Julia Gillard. There were fabulous frilly undies galore and swishings of skirts and flauntings of cleavages. Helen felt Bilha stole the show when she appeared. The other delightful surprise was to bump into Helen P and her daughter Kate in the pre-show gathering.
On Monday we had a date to take Shirley out to Cullen Bay Day Spa for the first facial of her life and the first for Helen for quite a long time (although in fact Shirley had to take us as we were car-less). Helen coped remarkably well with walking using the walker up the street to the place and then back again afterward. Shirley took us out for afternoon tea and we enjoyed poking fun at the worst cups of tea in the world while Helen had pineapple juice.
Monday night I went to my first night class of Mahjong at Casuarina and left Helen alone for 2 hours. We both had thought this would be ok but in fact when I got back she was very anxious and worried and it was upsetting for both of us. With her variable time sense and memory issues it is too hard to be sure how much time is passing and where is everyone etc.
Tuesday turned into a big, chaotic and distressing day. The main event was to attend the Opthalmologist in the afternoon. In the lead up time we had visits from a plumber, a gardener, a physio, I attempted to install grab rails in the downstairs bathroom and stuffed it up, the respite visitor came, the chickens caused chaos on the verandah and meanwhile both our cars were in at different smash repair places being fixed and we ran out of dog food and milk and various bits and pieces. Luckily Kaye arrived at about 2ish for what the poor thing hoped would be a short visit and I pounced on her to help keep H company for a bit while I dashed out and then to take us out to the opthalmologist appointment.Despite calling ahead to check how late he was running we still had to wait almost 2 hours to be seen and then had a brief, unsatisfying visit. He said that Helen had radiation induced optic neuropathy in both eyes and radiation induced retinopathy in her L eye (presumably this is the source of the new rapid deterioration). Her L eye was much worse today than it had been on Thursday of the preceding week. He could offer no timeframe on progression nor options for treatment so it was pretty grim.
He felt certain radiotherapy in the past is the cause and seemed to believe there is no option for action despite the rapid changes which make me think surely something can be done.
Anyway - I sobbed and Helen soothed me!
Kaye took Helen out to dinner at the Airport resort while I saw a friend and then we all returned home late having missed the night-time carers and dog dinnertime and found the chickens roosting on the armchair out the back! I manged to get dogfood at least so Jed for one was happy and Helen and I watched a repeat episode of Foyle's War for its soothing qualities.
This morning she told me she had had "the most wonderful sleep" and we have had a special visit from Helen P and Kate during which Helen enjoyed the first coffee she has had in months and loved being with her friend.
Further information on vision as it comes to hand - but at this stage she can't see much at all so be mindful of this when visiting.