Sunday, November 13, 2011

13th November 2011

I've just returned to Natimuk. Louis is still doing solo duty with Helen. From the sounds of things it's been pretty hard on him. She is still sleepy, drinking a little, talking sometimes but often confused and talking about things going on in her imagination. He has been trying to visit her 2-3 times a day at the hospice and says he does feel she is aware of him and derives comfort from his presence and reassurance but having said that there's no point making long visits as she is so out of it. The hospice is a 20 minute drive from Helen's house in The Gardens so that is an exhausting regime and he hasn't had any companionship up there just lately. I don't plan to return until the 21st at the earliest and possibly the 23rd. Am trying to think of a way to provide Louis with a respite break that he will still feel gives Helen enough support that he can feel ok about letting go and I can finish my business down here before returning to Darwin.

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