Helen eating!
Room 509 Mater Rehab

View from Room 509

Yesterday I saw Helen in the morning but then spent the rest of the day organising and reorganising her flat at Dorchester St in preparation for discharge. Doug and I have pretty much moved every piece of furniture around but I think the new arrangement is better for now. We had to fit in a new hospital commode chair, a wheely walker, a mattress support thingy and another chair with arms to push up from and a cushioned seat. Plus make it possible to use the wheely walker to go to the bathroom .
Meanwhile I gather Helen had a very social day with lots of lovely visitors - she doesn't really seem to be finding this wearing at present so I would still say it's the best time to see her that we've had since she got sick - not manic, not depressed, not in pain, not breathless, no infections. Having said that she still talks through clenched teeth all the time and forgets odd things so you have to allow she's not the same as she used to be...also David (her brother) who just arrived and hadn't seen her since Darwin said he arrived when she was asleep and felt unsure it was her so her general appearance has changed a lot!
Helen likes to lie back with her eyes closed when there is nothing going on so if you do go to visit and she looks asleep it's worth going in and saying a quiet hello. If she's really asleep she'll stay asleep but if she's just resting her eyes she'd be sorry to miss you.
Douglas entertaining Helen in Room 509
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