Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday 27th July 2011

I'm still away from Darwin at the moment but by all accounts Helen is going reasonably well. She still can't weight-bear apparently - and it doesn't seem to be clear exactly why but Dr A (another palliative care specialist) is planning a bone scan this week. The other symptom that has recurred is a weird rash which sounds as if it may be similar to what she had when we were travelling together in Croatia in 09 prior to her being diagnosed with cancer. One of the junior doctors phoned me on Monday and said Dr A thought the rash looked like --------necrolytic--------(3 long words which I have forgotten) which apparently is a paraneoplastic thing and she plans to ask the dermatologist to come and have a look. I have sent them photos of her original rash for interest :). Louis and I spoke yesterday before he returned to Brisbane and we think it seems pretty likely that the rash and muscle weakness are connected and also are connected to reactivation of the cancer since she stopped the Iressa - it is just so similar to how she was before she got really sick and was admitted and diagnosed with the cancer back in 09 - plus there's the recurrence of the hyponatraemia. Having said that we're not Helen's doctors so we will wait and see what others come up with. Louis planned to tell them we were happy for her to restart Iressa but I don't know whether it is too late for that to help or not. As far as Helen's support in Hospice goes I know Kaye and Shirley have both been visiting and when I rang last night both Jo and Susan were with Helen. Susan says Helen has been intermittently confused and a bit anxious in Hospice which is not surprising but sad to hear. I'm looking forward to seeing her tonight - but not to telling her that I'm leaving again tomorrow for a few days! Hopefully Susan will still be able to hold the fort over the weekend and when I return on Monday I should be pretty much in Darwin for a month. The dogs will be pleased too - Susan says Jed is very sulky! Although on further discussion she did acknowledge that perhaps he's just being himself....

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