Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday 12th September 2011

Things continue to change... On both Sunday and Monday Helen was very very sleepy. This morning I spoke to the palliative care registrar and he told me she had a temperature of 37.9. He thought it was likely to be due to another UTI and planned to take some bloods, urine and start IV antibiotics. We agreed that flying tomorrow was unrealistic so I put the flights off til Friday. Louis has just told me that he has had multiple contacts with the hospice today - doctors, social worker and nurses - all keen to impress on him that Helen is almost unrouseable. He plans to come up tomorrow. I don't know what to make of it all. If she does have an infection that might be terminal and all it is doing to her is making her sleepy maybe we should let her go...? Conversations for tomorrow I suppose.

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