Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday 19th March 2010

This week Helen had a facial on Tuesday and a cup of tea with her friend Peta. Some good phone conversations with Robin and Sally and Lil. She started 2 books - the first turned out to be of little interest - now trying the latest Helen Garner collection of non-fiction essays. Musing on why Helen Garner feels compelled to go to "hard places". We received some more beautiful painted cards from Helen P and a lovely card from Judith S with fragments of poetry on the theme of trees. Both brought much pleasure.
On Wednesday she had chemo and today is booked for the long awaited follow up CT scan which will assess progress. Mentally she fluctuates a bit - mood is still good and cognition and time sense vary. Physically still frail but relatively able. Louis and his friend Stephanie have gone away overnight and H and I are having a quiet time.r
Robin and Mary-Lou have sent word that they will visit for a few days at the beginning of April - Helen's 70th! Others are welcome too. We will have a gathering of some kind for the day.Mm's friend Bilha has also said she may visit from Darwin - Helen is excited about this but yet to call Bilha or make a plan.

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