Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday 27th March 2010

A bit of hard week for Louis and me. Helen is more frail and breathless and has had a couple of small falls - no injuries thank goodness. Sometimes confused and has word finding difficulties but not consistently. She is in pretty good spirits and enjoys company - particularly people to sit with her in the evening to watch TV or DVDs. She re-read Leonie Norrington's "The Devil You Know" in a day and The Glass Castle over a few days. We tried watching the Vicar of Dibley - a gift DVD from Jac but no subtitles made it hard for her to follow and turned out to not really be her cup of tea.Tonight we watched Bed of Roses together on the ABC. Things aren't that bad or different really - I think the 2 of us are just getting a bit tired.
We got the results of the CT scan on Thursday - the GP said it was not such good news as it shows the primary tumor is bigger, the R pleural effusion has recollected and the R lung shows significant collapse but on the other hand it did not show any new metastases and the brain mets are still not visible. I was actually pretty happy to hear that as with the confusion and word finding issues I thought there might b more going on in her brain. f
We are working on the idea that maybe she is getting a bit low on oxygen so...with the hope of getting her in the best form possible for next Friday (her 70th birthday) we have made a plan that on Monday sh will have another pleural tap, on Wednesday she will have a transfusion and this coming week will skip chemo.

On Friday itself - visitors are welcome to drop in anytime. Louis and I are planning a sunset gathering on the rooftop here (13 Dorchester St) and all are invited - we'll see how her energies go but I know she'd love people to come - and so would we! I hoped to get some postal invitations out but looks like that will be quite late so if you read this and know others who might like to come please pass on the word.

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