Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday 30th March 2010

Well - in preparation for the birthday Helen had 1500ml fluid drained off her R lung yesterday (they said there was quite a bit more there but it wasn't safe to have any more taken at one time). Then it turned out that her Haemoglobin was only 76 - usually she gets transfused when it is 95 or so and this is the lowest she has been - with no obvious reason for it. So - she had 2 units of blood today and will have some more tomorrow.
This morning she said "In case you are wondering if this is all worth it I had a lovely time breathing last night". So that was good to hear - I was a bit worried that the R lung had been collapsed so long it wouldn't be able to improve even with drainage of the fluid.
As I've mentioned before we are planning a gathering for her birthday. I have belatedly sent out a few physical invitations today - main limiting factor being whether I could find people's addresses and whether I thought they might not see the blog. For those I haven't managed to invite directly/personally - you ARE absolutely welcome and the lack of an actual invitation is down to me rather than Helen. Also for people who live far away who did get sent a physical invite - no expectation at all that you can come - just including you in the event!

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