Wednesday, October 12, 2011

An excerpt from a lovely email from an old friend and student of Helen's

I have wonderful memories of Frank and Helen from my student days. Frank was such a bon vivant with an amazing personal history who challenged us to think outside the square. We had never met anyone so exotic in our lives. Dear Helen was such wonderful teacher with a developed sense of propriety (I know my behaviour gave her palpitations at times during my 4 month placement with her at Child Health and again when we worked together at the Family Court). She had a wonderfully quirky way of looking at the world at times which I enjoyed immensely. I remember her coming into the Court one day wearing some sort of mad hat and a red nose. She had driven from home with these on. I sure some of the boring conservatives at the Court were nonplussed but I thought she was fabulous and admired her for daring to be herself. When I think of Helen, it is with great affection. I am really sorry that I have not had the emotional energy to have been more involved and supportive over the last couple of years. My loving thoughts are with you both and with Helen at this special but difficult time. I hope you will be able to tell Helen how fond I am of her and that I am sending her love every day. If it is not too much to ask, could you write on her coffin for me – respected, sensitive teacher. Thank you.

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