Monday, October 31, 2011


Dear Natasha, Louis and Helen
I am thinking of you now as the time of parting draws near. Reflecting too on the past - back to Brisbane and my social work training at Queensland University in the late 1960's where I first met Frank and Helen. Frank I knew as my tutor, Helen I knew less well. However there was one important and lovely way in which Helen touched on my life then which I would like to share.
A few of us social work graduates decided to get a job working in Melbourne and we were looking for accommodation. Somewhere in the background Helen's voice emerged, suggesting that her uncle Arthur Turner might have a house to rent. And so it happened. Three of us young women, tottering on the brink of adulthood, the world at our trembling with excitement, omnipotent feet  took up residence in a solid, comfortable house in trendy north Carlton owned by her benevolent, beaming uncle Arthur. That house was a focus and it provided us with a containing structure through the pain and magic of growing up over the following three years, where enduring friendships were also formed.  That was a special experience in my life and Helen contributed to it. She showed herself a generous and sensitive person.
Thank you, Helen.

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